Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Becoming a morning person...

If you know me, you know that I am not a morning person. I will sleep as late as I possibly can and the snooze button is my friend. I use it multiple times every morning. I have even been known to change my alarm time while half asleep to allow a few more minutes of blissful rest. Amazingly I have never been late to work because of these habits. I think I am just too smart for my own good and know exactly how little time it will take me to get ready in the morning to still get to work.

Last week I completely surprised myself and my co-workers by getting up early in order to be at the gym by 630. Yes that is 630 in the morning. A completely obscene time in my opinion. But it was my only option to workout for a few days, so I set 4, yes 4, alarms to make sure I would get up. At the time I assumed that would be a one time deal.

Starting Thursday, though, I will be a morning person. As much as I would love to say this is because of my knowledge of the health benefits of morning workouts, OR because it would be a great way to start my day. But my reasons are none of the above. My reasons are much more trivial and pure convenience. We are having some work done on a room in our house - and you guessed it, they start work on Thursday morning. At 7 am. So I figure my options are try to get ready around workmen which always makes for awkwardness as well as trying to maneuver around many vehicles in my driveway in order to leave. Or I get up early, hit the gym at 630 every morning and get ready at the gym. In my mind there was only one option: become a morning person.

Hmmm...a morning person by necessity.

Definitely not me.

Don't be surprised if after these 2+ weeks I am back to sleeping in as late as possible and reacquainting myself with my friend, the snooze button.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can do it girlie!! If John can, trust me.. You can :) Do you want me to call you and wake you up every morning? :)