Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A Matter of Perspective

Everyday we make assumptions and judgements with the information we have. Even if we don't mean to, it happens. And it happens to the best of us. But what I've come to realize is how important it is to think about perspectives. There is always more to the story and there is always another side.

As most of you know, I have recently become addicted to LOST. When people ask me what it is about the show that keeps me coming back, my answer is simple - the complexity of the characters and what a difference perspective makes. There is always more to the story. A character is never just as they seem. And that, to me, makes them more "real". We have all been judged by what we "seem" to be, and we have all judged others the same. I've come to learn that there is always more to the story than what you initially see - especially in every day life.

On Easter Sunday I was driving to church when I noticed a police car sitting beside a four way stop behind my church. My initial reaction was outrage. How dare he try to pull people over for speeding on Easter Sunday while trying to get to, or leave church! What kind of person does that!? I couldn't think of a single other reason why that cop would be sitting there on Easter morning. Imagine how horrible I felt when I left church later that morning only to discover traffic actually wasn't backed up - because the police officer, along with two others, were directing traffic at that four way stop. They were helping others - they were helping me - they were sacrificing their time.

And I realized there is always another perspective.

1 comment:

Mega said...

I do that all the time. Usually it ends up with me slapping my forehead and yelling 'doh!'