Monday, November 21, 2005

Freakin Cool Friends...

You know how while you know your friends love you, sometimes it just hits you smack in the head that WOW they really DO love you? Well this is what wow-ed me yesterday...

I was stressed about Son City Kids (as always) and was worried about not having enough help to put together food containers for Thanksgiving to pass out. Things weren't going as planned, I was feeling stressed, and then I looked around the kitchen and family room where we were doing all our work, and I realized I was surrounded by people who love me! They all gave time out of their busy days to help. They smiled at me, hugged me, made me laugh by doing insanely crazy things, gave me bible verses to read, and reminded me of why we were all there. If I got nothing else out of yesterday, it doesn't matter...I finally realized and saw with my own two eyes that I am loved. Really and truly loved. And I hope they all know how much I love all of them as well. (Even those that weren't there for that specific time...)

I wish everyone could have friends like I do....and I hope I can be a friend like that to them....

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