Thursday, December 14, 2006

My motivation

Many people have asked me what my motivation was for changing my lifestyle. There have been many factors, and the following are just a few....

- The older you get, the harder it is to lose weight and get in shape. I don't want to wait any longer.

- I have cute smaller clothes I can't wear anymore.

- I used to be thinner and want to be that person, minus another size or two...

- My sister has finally started changing her eating and working out, making it a lot easier to eat healthier at home. If there isn't any junk to eat when temptation hits, I'm less likely to stumble.

- I hear all the time about childhood obesity. I figure if I change my whole lifestyle now, someday when I have children they will have the same healthy eating habits that I have. I want my future children to have a chance in this fast food world.

- I feel so much better!

And lastly...whenever I need added motivation as to why I want to workout and eat healthier, I look at old pictures of myself....and this is my motivation:

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