Friday, March 09, 2007


Recently I was listening to a classic Mark Beeson message on friends - about the four friends who carry their friend to Christ when he couldn't do it on his own. I once again started thinking about the relationships in my life...

Well, as I was processing those thoughts, I was also preparing myself to go on a job interview. I had sent out an email asking for prayer that the right person for this job would be found, whether that was me or not. I also needed prayer to relax and not freak out. I hadn't had a job interview in years! Through this process I came to once again realize that I have an amazing support system of friends and loved ones - and that I am truly blessed!

I can't tell you the number of text messages, emails, myspace messages, phone calls, facebook wall writings, and voicemails I had that day. I'm not gonna lie, I got choked up at the outpouring of prayer that was sent my way. I felt like I had many hands holding me up and holding me close. I had an amazing sense of peace.

God didn't make us to be alone. He made us to be in community.

And I hope everyone is lucky enough to one day find a community of people who will lift them up, hold them strong and love them deeply. I'm hear to tell you its more amazing than you could ever imagine...

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