Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I have been thinking a lot lately. Some about India. Some about life. Some about what I believe. Some of a little of everything. Here are some of the questions I am struggling through right now.

Why do I believe what I believe?
Do you have to be baptized to ensure your salvation?
How do we live like Christ when life gets in the way?
How do I live out what I believe?
What if God really does give me what I have been asking for?
Can I handle the answers God gives me?
How do I let people know how much they mean to me?
How do you do "tough love"?
What if I know what the Bible tells me to do in hard situations and I choose to blatantly ignore him?
What kind of woman of God am I becoming?
How do I learn to be grateful for what I have and have the patience to not get angry with others who are not grateful either?
What can I do to help the women of India from across the world?
Are their changes I need to be making in my life that I am not? Am I being comfortable in my life or am I supposed to be patient and stay where I am? Are their major changes I am supposed to be making?

The list goes on but unfortunately my free time does not...

1 comment:

Laura said...

Deep thoughts! I'm here for you if you need to talk...You've done it for me many times! Take care hun, I love you!