Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Allure of the Button...

I am not a morning person.

When I was a baby and even through the younger years apparently I was.

Not anymore.

In the last few weeks I had a revelation. Its November. I am no where near my new years resolution for a lifestyle change...and I finally got angry enough at myself to do something about it.

I have been working out every day, sometimes twice, for two 1/2 weeks, missing only one day due to the inability to move after the previous evenings workout. I have only had a small amount of chocolate (it was people's birthdays so I joined in the cake fun - no worries, only a small piece) and haven't had chocolate touch my lips in a week now. Nor really junk of any kind. What can I say, I got fed up.

I am a stubborn and determined person. Not always. Just when I hit my breaking point. Some people call it my feisty side. Well, watch out world cuz the feisty side is out full scale!

--Okay, so I know it seems somewhere along this blog I have lost my focus. But stay with me... I really do have purpose here --

I have been trying to get up early in the mornings to work out.
About 40% of the time I have been successful. The other 60. Well...not so successful.

I end up succumbing to the allure of a certain button located at the center of my alarm clock.
The Snooze button.
While I love the person who invented the snooze button, I also find myself perturbed at the fellow, or lady, who invented this button I have a love/hate relationship with. I love to sleep in. But when I need to get up, often times I have found I have utilized the snooze button so many times that an hour of my morning it wasted, and suddenly I am rushing around hoping to still make it to work on time.

Ah the allure of the ever popular snooze button...maybe my next alarm should not include one...

Although then I might just turn my alarm completely off in my sleep...and that might be even worse...

1 comment:

Laura said...

Okay, so I just want to say...Waahoo! I'm sure you're wondering why? Well, it's not for the snooze button, but for you, and your determination, whether its with not eating junk food, or trying to get up early to work out. I'm proud of you, and I thought you should know. I love you, and I'll see you soon...then I can give you a big hug! Waahoo!