Monday, March 17, 2008


I've been "blog-silent" for a few weeks now (who knew!?!) because life has been overwhelming. It's not for lack of ideas - I've had plenty spinning through my head - unfortunately life has gotten in the way of my blogging.

So today, I give you, randomness.

  • Friday I had on flip-flops. Today I got pelted in the face by sleet. It hurt.
  • Why is it that when you have a diabetic staying at your house that suddenly all you want is a donut?
  • There's a new Walmart. It's only two miles away. I've been there twice in six days. It still has that "new store" look.
  • I started experiencing stress headaches last week. They suck. I don't recommend them.
  • I'm so addicted to LOST I ended up burning 1,000 calories at the gym yesterday so I could get farther in my show.
  • I've been watching a lot of old movies lately. I love their subtle humor.
  • Microsoft Outlook has ruined my typing - it automatically fixes all my errors. I've had to use the backspace a lot already in this post.
  • Soon after I posted this - I was eating toast at work while talking to a co-worker. She started laughing. When I asked why, she told me because I threw away my last bite. I didn't even realize I did it.
  • I tried forcing myself to eat toast differently - outside in - it didn't taste as good. I'm back to my old, strange ways. Hey - don't judge.
  • 1 comment:

    Mega said...

    Thats not strange. I actually don't take bites out of sandwiches- I tear off pieces and eat it like that instead.