Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Yes, I am now a victim as well

The last few weeks sickness has been running rampant all around me! Multiple people have had colds, flu and stomach issues. I had been able to sneak past with only a few tiny symptoms. The keyword in that sentence is "had".

Yesterday I got hit.

My throat got all scratchy, I couldn't breathe and my head hurt like I had been hit by a monsterous size truck (and not the good kind I like either!) I kept trying to tell myself I wasn't getting sick and I started taking large amounts of Vitamin C, echinacea and green tea supplements. Honestly, if I had the option, I would have gone home sick from work. I wasn't productive at all. Unfortunately there was no way that could happen.

I finally admitted I must be getting sick when at 815 last night I decided to go to bed. This wouldn't seem abnormal except I am a 26 year old, not an 86 year old! This was atleast 3 hours before my normal bedtime. I downed some nyquil, turned my cell phone off after it woke me up once (I never turn my cell off at night) and slept until 8. The plan was to get up at 700 and workout since I didn't feel good enough to do it last night, only when morning came I felt worse and made the executive decision that my body needed the extra hour sleep. I can't remember the last time I had nearly 12 hours of sleep.

I still feel the urge to curl up with a blanket and hide from the world til this passes. Unfortunately, once again, going home sick from work is not an option (why I get sick when I don't have the option to be sick shows the irony of my life). So here I am, stuffing myself full of vitamins, trying to avoid going to the drug store and getting real drugs, in hopes that I can fight this off myself. Meanwhile, my working out has gone by the wayside. Hopefully I will be up for it tonight.

I hate being sick.

Although this year is better than last when I got laryngitis and couldn't talk at all. Talk about devastating! To read exactly how I felt, here's a link to my post last year! Irony once again is that it was one year ago yesterday that I lost my voice and yesterday is when I got sick.. BLAH!


Jen said...

Awwwwwe. Sorry to hear that you are sick. My sis (Charissa) is sick too. blah. I am TRYING to avoid it, but we shall see. And the workout thing-- I wouldn't sweat it. Your body needs time to fight off the sickies and sometimes sleep is the best thing. Just drink lots of H20 and keep popping those vitimans. Hope you feel better soon my dear!

Anonymous said...

One word.. ZICAM It has gotten me through my cold much faster so that I can be good for this weekend. I would suggest the fast melts, the one w/ vitamin C or the nasel gel. They have been working wonderfully!