Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Lame Sex Life??

Yes people, it is about time I blogged about the well talked about mylamesexlife.com billboards and overflow of craziness since. I just have to say that I am proud to call Granger Community Church my church and that they are willing to put themselves out there to get ridiculed in the name of Christ. Whether people agree or not, I believe we are reaching people - people who may otherwise have lost all faith in churches or that a church could ever possibly be relevant and apply to their lives.

Here's a nice, sarcastic piece of a blog that makes me smile...


Jen said...

I read that this morning! (found the link on Tony Morgan's blog) and had a good laugh. It's nice to see some good positive sarcasm every once in awhile.

btw, nice blogger templete change. I really like it :)

Also, I have really missed seeing you... hope we can change that soon. :)

RC said...

That's a great commentary he provides, thanks for sharing it.

--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com