Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Just Be

Most of the time when I see my dad or stepmom our time is filled to overflowing. Living many states apart, and only seeing each other two to three times a year, leads to jam packed visits that often fall over holidays.

This time was different. After attending DC08 (see previous posts if you really want to know what that is...) I was able to take some vacation time and stay in Dallas with them as they just recently moved to a neighboring city. Having five days left us in no hurry. We got to just "be". Sometimes I think we take for granted time to just be together. Not necessarily making plans, or going anywhere, but cooking together, eating dinner together, watching tv, chatting about trivial things, sharing funny emails. I think society often bombards us with the idea that we have to always be "doing" something. I can say this, because I too have the urge to always do something. It took me two days to realize that it's okay to not have to - and came to appreciate the fact that we were just together.

And those are the memories that make me love my family even more.

1 comment:

Mega said...

It took me a long time to realize that doing nothing is sometimes better than doing something.