I wouldn't say I'm a risk-taker.
If anything for many years I've been a risk-avoider.
I don't think I'm much different than anyone else - we all avoid risk for one main reason: to prevent getting hurt.
Sometimes this is a good thing. Like when you want to jump out of your treehouse as a child or throw flammable objects into a bonfire.
But the risks I tend to avoid the most aren't the ones that leave outward scars or can be healed with a band-aid.
In the last few days I've realized something. While I've deluded myself into thinking I've just been protecting myself, I've actually been hurting myself even more. Ironic isn't it. Over the years my self protection has served me well, but I came to realize that I've also been avoiding risks I should be taking.
I've decided taking risks is like weight lifting. Yes, it's tearing your muscles, and it causes some pain, but you end up stronger in the end. But you have to be smart with who you trust to train you. I could easily do permanent, unhealthy damage to my body if I listen to someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. Quite similar to risk taking. Risks can cause pain, but when you listen to God's guidance on which risks to take, and do so with Him by your side, you'll end up stronger in the end.
Recently God asked me if I trusted Him enough to step out and take a risk. A risk that could possibly invoke some serious pain. I can't say that I jumped right in an obeyed. I didn't. It took Him asking me over and over to realize that no matter the outcome, I needed to trust God, I needed to obey and I needed to let go of my fears. And so I did. Yes, I experienced pain. But I took the risk knowing that is what God was asking of me.
It wasn't like the heavens opened up and host of heavenly angels began singing the Hallelujah Chorus. But it did change me. It made me stronger. It made me lean on God. It made me closer to Him. It made me a better version of me.
And that, to me, made it all worth it.
What risks in your life are you not taking?
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