Thursday, December 08, 2005

Creatures of Habit

Every morning when I have to get out of bed for work my day starts the same - turn off the alarm, turn on the light, turn off the electric blanket, unplug the cell phone from the charger, grab my towel and walk half asleep to the bathroom. If my routine changes, I always feel as if something is wrong and that I will forget something in my half asleep state.

This morning at work I started turning on the computers on the opposite side of the room first. It occured to me that this was not normal, but decided to start where I was at in the room. The only thing different was which side of the room I started on but the whole time I kept feeling as if something was horribly different and uncomfortable - like I was walking backwards or using my left hand - I found myself actually having to think about the process of getting things started because I had broken my habit. It made me think about how often do I start my nightly prayers the same way - out of habit - where I am not actually thinking about what I am saying but reciting the phrases I have used for years - when and how did I become such a creature of habit during these times? This morning, just by changing my normally process at work, I came to the realization that I am going to stop my old habits of praying and actually think about what I am saying - I am going to leave the comfortable, easy habits and begin to pray dangerously....scary thought...but yet....very exciting at the same time...

Just don't expect me to change how I start my mornings - you will not want to see what happens....

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