So I have all kinds of random things going through my head right now, so you lucky people get a scary look inside my mind....
Okay, so first off, all morning all I did at work was decorate the Computer Lab for Christmas...granted to had to help people with computers as well, but other than that, it was decorating...climbing on chairs and counters, trying to make things STAY PUT when they did not want to, ugg (as I am typing this I am staring at a garland that has partially fallen and I can't fix yet because there are patrons using the computers in front of it! I also re-discovered this morning how freakin anal I am about decorating...I tell you what I put things up and ripped them down over and over and over I'm a freak!
Second total random topic...creepy people who frequent the library - So I decided that I completely jinxed myself last night. Jon had asked how work went and if I had to deal with any creepy people (not sure if that was his word, but that is the general point) I said nope, not really. And then this morning hit. There was this guy who kept turning around and staring at me...I didn't let it bother me, I mean, maybe he was looking at the printer or something...BUT just recently he came back in to get back on the computers. I went to lunch and thought "Cool, I don't have to get freaked out by him" but then...after I ate I came back to the staff part of the lab, walk by the windows to put my stuff down, glance out the window, and there he was staring at me through the window! NOW I was a little creeped out. So when I sat down at this computer, I had to slouch to the side so he couldn't see me....stupid creepy people!
Next random thought - the book Blue Like Jazz. It totally kicks butt! I am constantly thinking "Whoa, that is an awesome thing to think about, I should blog about it" but then I keep reading and find something else that is a whoa moment, and then another and then another, and then my brain just goes on overload and doesn't even know where to start! So I will start with the one that really hit me because Kitty had sent out an email recently about this same thing ---He's talking about waiting in line at a grocery store when he noticed the woman in front of him was paying with food stamps. He wished he could have just paid for the groceries for her and then realized that would be more embarrassing for her. He goes on to say "I realized that it was not the woman who should be pitied, it was me. Somehow I had come to believe that because a person is in need, they are candidates for sympathy, not just charity. It was not that I wanted to buy her groceries, the government was already doing that. I wanted to buy her dignity. And yet, by judging her, I was the one taking her dignity away." --Something to think about judging others....
And last randomness for the moment....
This is Lindsey AIRBORNE after the GCC baptism this year - -note- - we have video footage as well - good times, good times....
After your encounter with the crazy guy today, I only have one word: Get some mace and take some self-defense classes, perhaps carrying with you a weapon such as a 9mm or a switch-blade.
That was actually closer to 21 words if you count self-defense and switch-blade each as one, but you get my point.
I have an idea...just tell him that you have a friend with a scalpel who knows how to use it. That usually works! :) Great thoughts, and I love the randomness, because....well, that's me every day! The picture of Linds cracked me up too! She flew!!! Talk to you later, hon.
Yes that pic rawks!!! I love it hurt but it was soooo fun!!!!
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