Friday, December 02, 2005


So originally this morning I was planning on posting a blog on the things that fire me up....yeah, I know, Jeanna fired up, that's nothing new :) But then as the day went on, I realized something...some of my friends and I have been talking about Blessings lately. And I realized THAT should be the main focus of my day, not all the stuff that has me fired up today...although I am going to write a little rant on that too :) SO....

Things that fire me up today -
* People who say they are Christians but who are continually hurting the cause of Christ, not helping it (To see how I got all fired up about this, look at Jon's blog)
* People who slack at my work knowing I will get the job done that needs to be done
* Myself - for always picking up the pieces because I do not want the Library to come across negatively to our patrons
* Dumb people who think they know about computers, get other people fired up about something they have no idea what is going on, and then I need to calm everyone down
* SONY! GRRRRR.... You gotta read this bull honky

Okay, so those are the few things firing me up today, and now on to the more important, flippin awesome blessings!

* Hungry Hungry Hippos - Yes this is an old school game that I love...a few months back we were all talking about it, and I even believe someone was going to go out and buy it, well anyway, someone donated some games to the library's booksale (???) (Who would donate games to a booksale, anyway) And this was one of them! So I bought it for like a dollar! I LOVE this game!! I hope you all know that we are SOOOO playing it soon! hehehe
*Snow - Yes believe it or not I am so flippin excited about the snow! I totally want to do something Winter-esque tonight (like build a snowman, have a snowball fight, make a snowangel, do the Winding Brook Christmas lights, etc. ) I just have to find people who want to partake in the craziness of my life! Anyway, so the snow is sticking and I can have fun in it - plus it is absolutely gorgeous to watch it fall - it gives me a sense of peace...
* Becky - Just because she freaked last night thinking something was wrong because the snow made it look lighter outside (Becky, if you are reading this, it was just too cute!)
* Blogs - I just love how connected I feel to everyone! They flippin rock!
* Friends - I have some of the most amazing friends a person could ever hope for! I love spending time with you all and I always look forward to the times we get to hang out together! I love doing life with all of you!
* And lastly, the blessing that blew me away and drew me to tears...last night I had a friend who was struggling. She is dealing with a lot right now - pain, confusion, anger - all the biggies. All I did was take a little time to talk with her on the phone and prayed for her (it wasn't even a very eloquent prayer) and then today I got an email from her saying that I was a blessing. Me. A blessing. She has a blessing jar that she has been struggling to use so I encouraged her to let me know everyday when she put a blessing in to hold her accountable, and today I was her blessing. Wow. I think sometimes we all forget that we are blessings to other people as well!

Thanks for listening to me vent a little but also focus on my blessings as well.

Here are a few pictures of some of my "blessings" I happen to have with me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures! catch you later!